How Many Calories Do I Burn A Day Doing Nothing?

How Many Calories Do I Burn A Day Doing Nothing?

Is it true or not? You may need clarification, but this statement is correct. You do burn the calories in a day doing nothing. So, this answers all the talking about us that we do nothing all day. We burn the calories, so we are doing some work. This means that you’re always in a state of doing something.

The quantity of calories burned daily when at rest, or Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), is important information for anyone concerned in maintaining their weight or overall health. The body mass ratio (BMR), its computation, affecting factors, and useful applications will all be covered in this blog post. You will have a complete grasp of how your body burns calories even when it is at rest and you are not moving after reading this blog post.

What is Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)?

Defining BMR

We can define Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) as the number of calories our body needs to maintain the body’s basic physiological functions when it is at rest. The basic functions such as circulating blood, breathing, cell production, regulating body temperature, and nutrient processing. In other terms, we can say that the BMR represents the energy that is required to keep our body functioning properly while we are not performing any physical activity.

The Importance of BMR

You should know that the BMR is very important for your body because it accounts for a significant portion of your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). When you are well aware of your BMR, you can make better decisions about your diet, exercise, and overall lifestyle. When you are aware of your BMR, you can also maintain a healthy balance between calorie intake and expenditure.

Calculating BMR

The Harris-Benedict Equation

One of the most commonly used methods to calculate BMR is the Harris-Benedict equation, which considers factors such as age, sex, weight, and height. The equations are as follows:

For Men

BMR=88.362+(13.397×weight in kg)+(4.799×height in cm)−(5.677×age in years)

For Women

BMR=447.593+(9.247×weight in kg)+(3.098×height in cm)−(4.330×age in years)

The Mifflin-St Joer Equation

Another formula that is widely used to calculate the BMR is the Mifflin-St Joer equation. This equation is considered more accurate for contemporary lifestyles.

For Men

BMR=(10×weight in kg)+(6.25×height in cm)−(5×age in years)+5

For Women

BMR=(10×weight in kg)+(6.25×height in cm)−(5×age in years)−161

Online BMR Calculators

If you’d rather take a more straightforward approach, a number of online BMR calculators can easily determine your BMR. These calculators usually ask for your age, height, weight, and sex. They then use the Mifflin-St. Jeor or Harris-Benedict equations to provide you with an instantaneous answer.

burn calories by doing nothing

How does this phenomenon work?

This is a quite simple phenomenon. Nothing too much critical. Or if said casually, this is not so much rocket science. If we are doing nothing physically, it doesn’t mean that our body is in a shutdown state. We don’t have that kind of mechanism. Our body shuts down all its processes only once and that’s the end of our life.

So, a lot of processes are happening inside our body. That’s also work that requires energy. So, to avail the energy calories are burned and we feel hungry after some time.

A short introduction to calories:

A calorie is a unit of energy. We measure energy in calories and kilocalories if in a large amount.

1 calorie is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1 degree centigrade.

1 kilocalorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1kg of water by 1 degree centigrade. 

That was a short intro to calories just to make a clear concept of information in your mind. Now let’s return to our main topic.

How many calories are burned in a day?

Normally a human burns almost 1500 to 2500 calories a day in a normal work. This value of burned calories is without the addition of calories burned by the exercise.

count calories

If you’re a special person like us, who doesn’t do anything throughout the day. Then congratulations, you’re a very good person. You will burn almost 1500 to 2000 calories a day. That’s a good amount. Be positive and keep doing nothing. 

Our Advice to you:

We will advise you to keep on doing nothing. If you feel bored after some time, then visit our website for the new and exciting information available to you. You will love it.

If you do something and change your metabolic rate. The rate of calories burning will increase and you will burn more calories than usual. It is also very necessary for us to remain in a calorie deficit. It keeps us fit and our body organs healthy. 

Last but not least thing, always think positive, If your mind is healthy, your body will also remain healthy. 

Good luck. Keep doing nothing. We are proud of you. 

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